• TWIN PORT MASK is similar to CPAP mask.
  • The mask contains a Venturi Flow Driver which will give a constant flow rate with a desired FiO2.
  • It also comprises a PEEP valve which will control the PEEP Pressure in a patient.
  • Head Gear to fit the mask securely over the patient head.
  • Generally, a ventilator controls the flow rate, the FiO2, the PEEP, Respiratory Rate, etc. for NIV requirement.
  • TWIN PORT MASK generates a constant flow rate say 60 lpm, using a Venturi Flow Driver.
  • There are two oxygen inlets on the venturi flow driver which can control the FiO2(Concentration of Oxygen a Person Inhales) required for the patient.
  • Maximum 100% FiO2 can be generated using TWIN PORT MASK.
  • The PEEP valve controls the Expiratory pressure of lungs, from 5CM H2O to maximum 20CM H2O which will help reduce ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) symptoms & VILI (Ventilator Induced Lung Injury) in a patient.
  • The functions of TWIN PORT MASK are similar to a NIV, and hence can replace the ventilator partially for NIV requirements.
  • They can be used for high flow oxygen therapy.
  • Reduce ARDS & ALI in a patient.
  • Reduces Hypoxemia & Hypoxia.
  • Improves PaO2 level & Reduces PaCO2 level due to better gas exchange.
  • Size: Adult / Paediatric.
  • Individually packed in poly pack.

*Note: twin port mask is not a 100% replacement to ventilator. However, it can be used under doctor’s observation & guidance for high flow oxygenation.

Item Size Code HSN PCS / Box Box size
TWIN BORE BIPAP MASK KIT Small MK1300 90192010 40 62 x 45 x 56
Medium MK1301
Large MK1302
Availability: In Stock

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